
Starting from level 44 you unlock a bunch of great features in the game:

  • Boss Mansion
  • Bosses
  • Family bosses
  • Research Lab

Boss Mansion

The Mansion that is used to store your defeated bosses.


Bosses are being scheduled almost every 2/3 weeks in the game. For a correct schedule please check the Boss Mansion. Each boss actually contains 50 difficulty levels, of course each level the boss gets stronger and more difficult to defeat.

Every level you manage to defeat you will receive some nice rewards, which gets better the higher the difficulty. Rewards contain:

  • Cash
  • Diamonds
  • Ammunition
  • Health
  • Weapons

Each time you start a boss fight, you will get 1 minute to defeat the boss. Once your first attack starts you get 2 hours before the boss level fully regenerates health again. With a boss you receive also 2 goals:

  • Defeat the boss (35/40) times (reward: receive the boss in your Boss Mansion)
  • Family goal: Defeat the boss X times together with your family (your minimum contribution requires 25 times) (reward: receive the gun of the boss)

Watch out the boss also shoots back and ducks around often, so you are able to miss shooting him. It will require a lot of health and ammunition to defeat a boss. 

Therefore it is important to keep upgrading your Hospital and Mafia power, more Mafia Power means more damage per hit (maximum damage 3,5 HP per hit). Same for damage received if the boss hits you.

Family bosses

Different to normal bosses, family bosses you have to beat together with your family, of course, they require Golden Granades to start a boss level (level 1 up to 10). Each level requires more golden grenades (5 up to 50), each level is also more difficult. Just like normal bosses, you will also receive rewards. When a family boss level is summoned, the whole family has 3 hours to defeat the level.

Family boss goals:

  • Defeat any level 30 times (reward: receive the boss in your Boss Mansion)
  • Defeat all 10 levels (reward: receive the gun of the boss)

The extra rewards in family bosses are the Research Points you can earn. Which brings us to the Research Lab.